Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Earth "Jack of all Trades"

"The Drakes" as they are called, are a squad of highly trained and tech oriented soldiers of unknown origin. Their motives at this point are unknown, but rumor has it that they are in the employ of a highly regarded official. However, who exactly that person is that pulls their strings cannot be confirmed. What can be confirmed is that the Drakes operate with an extreme tactical proficiency unmatched by others in the world. They utilize the latest in advanced technology and use it with the utmost precision. Chances are if you ever encounter the Drakes, know that it is for a reason, and someone somewhere wants you gone. The harsh truth is though, you probably won't even know it until it's too late.

"Jack" is the code name of the squad leader of The Drakes which really is just a short version for "Jack of all trades." Jack is educated in all forms of combat, and is a natural leader and skilled tactician. Jack is as tough as they come, and employs the unique skills of his teamates in the field to overcome any obstacle.

Jack has a tendency to carry two of everything, and his squad mates still wonder how he manages to seemingly reload both weapons at the same time.

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