I have always enjoyed Transformers more than any other genre of figures. However, I have always felt my skills in painting them to achieve the look I have wanted has never come to fruition. Lately, I have been doing a ton of experimenting with new ways of painting and with using enamels, washes, and clear coats.
Another thing I have always wrestled with is taking pictures of my work, constantly fighting lighting and such. I finally settled on going back to using outside pics, with a simple glossed over piece of magnet that I had leftover from another art job I was doing at the time. The reflection will show way better in future pics...
I am very happy with how my efforts are turning out and am excited to get this piece finished, but I wanted to also throw up a quick WIP pic as a preview of things to come.
Lastly, kudos to my boy for helping out so much with parts finding (I have a huge bin of TF's parts and preivously failed projects) pics, his keen eye for detail, and being patient with me while we work the proverbial bugs out...
As always, comments/critques welcome!